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Lencinas Siebert 


Lencinas Siebert
II Dan Taekwondo International and T.A.G.B

Ph. Hubert Jelinek

II Dan 
Taekwondo International
und T.A.G.B


Ph. Hubert Jelinek


Escuela Sur de Taekwon-Do

Born in Göttingen, I moved to Argentina as a small child. I started Taekwon-Do there when I was 9 years old, following my friends footsteps. I had also taken up other sports like football, but I never stuck with them for long.  

Slowly Taekwon-Do became something really important to me and I realized that I wanted to devote my life to this martial art, which was so much more than just a sport

At the age of 15 and after a break of almost three years, I started training at the Escuela Sur de Taekwon-Do in Argentina. The Sabum Andrés Carollo has contributed a lot to my personal development. I have become more self-confident, determined and ambitious. It became very clear to me that Taekwon-Do is my passion and that I want to live my life as a Taekwon-Do student and also as a Taekwon-Do teacher.  

Together with two classmates I got the black belt as the first generation in this Taekwon-Do school.
I have participated in national as well as international championships and have taught a number of children's and adult groups.

Phoenix Taekwon-Do in Scotland

I moved to Germany for my studies and studied P.E and Spanish to become a teacher in Göttingen. The aim was to gain further knowledge that could support and aid my taekwondo journey.

At the European Championships in Croatia in 2019, I made contact with Master Scott McMillan. Since my school in Argentina was too far away to continue training regularly, Mr. McMillan accepted me as a student at Phoenix Taekwon-Do. I recognized myself in his vision of Taekwon-Do and therefore now work closely with him. The TAGB (Taekwon-Do Association Great Britain) welcomed me with open arms and I am therefore delighted to be a representative of Taekwon-Do International in Germany and to be able to perform at their championships. 

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